Monday, October 24, 2011

Six little piggies are growing

The littlest guinea pigs I've ever seen are growing!  Thanks to Peaches loving care and maybe I'll take a little credit too. They were intially fed 2 hourly during the day and 3 hourly at night, then 3 hourly and now 3-4 hourly including nighttime.  Peaches is also feeding them and her little pig boobies will never be the same!  They all snack on solid food and I declare their survival - now at 10 days, and their apparent good health, a miracle.  It's been touch and go but I'm hopeful they're all going to make it, even the littlest weeniest girly with the sore eyes!

They're precocious and tenacious and now won't sit still for these are the best I could do.  I'm in love with each and every one of these furry little critters. I have named them (from smallest to largest) Ruby, Petal, Blossom, Beatrix, Rosebud (all girls) and Thumper (the only boy).

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